Saturday, June 4, 2011

Carpe Diem Club Coca-Cola’s top secret recipe uncovered?

Alcohol, coriander oil and nutmeg oil are among the ingredients listed in what a radio show claims is the original recipe for Coca-Cola.

A public radio show in the US claims to have uncovered the top secret recipe for Coca-Cola.

Weekly radio show This American Life, based out of Chicago, says they’ve discovered the original recipe, buried quietly in the back pages of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution circa 1979 — a publication dedicated to the birthplace of this caramel-colored soda pop.

According to the recipe chronicled in the Atlanta periodical, the following are key ingredients in Coca-Cola’s top secret mix that give the fizzy drink its distinctive flavor, also known as 7X: alcohol, orange oil, lemon oil, nutmeg oil and coriander oil.

Since its creation in 1886, Coca-Cola has kept its formula a jealously guarded trade secret, spinning elaborate, public relations mythologies about the ingredients and the people who know them.

For example, the only official written copy is supposedly held under lock and key in a US vault; only two people at any given time know the secret formula; and they’re not allowed to take the same plane in the event it crashes and the trade secrets are taken to the grave.

The formula was supposedly first penned to paper by a friend of John Pemberton, the pharmacist who created the beverage 125 years ago. In addition to the secret recipe for Coca-Cola, the pharmacist’s log of handwritten ingredients for tonics and balms was handed down for generations until it found its way into the hands of a columnist who published the formula with what the radio host described as “little fanfare.”

According to the recipe found in the Atlanta periodical, the following are key ingredients to the soft drink’s top secret mix, also known as 7X:

List of ingredients:

Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP

Citric acid 3 oz

Caffeine 1oz

Sugar 30

Water 2.5 gal

Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt

Vanilla 1oz

Caramel 1.5oz or more to colour

7X flavor:

Alcohol 8oz

Orange oil 20 drops

Lemon oil 30 drops

Nutmeg oil 10 drops

Coriander 5 drops

Neroli 10 drops

Cinnamon 10 drops

Since its creation in 1886, Coca-Cola has kept its formula a jealously guarded trade secret, spinning elaborate, public relations mythologies about the ingredients and the people who know them.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Coca-Cola's 'secret ingredient revealed'

An American radio station has allegedly unveiled the recipe for one of Coca-Cola's key secret ingredients.…

Often duplicated but never replicated, the Coca-Cola recipe has been a well-kept secret for years.
Created by medicinal pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886, the exact measures of each ingredient that make up the world-famous soft drink have been closely guarded - until now.
American public radio show claims to have uncovered a list of ingredients and their exact quantities to mix the perfect Coca-Cola drink.
A photo from the 8th February 1979 editorion of American daily newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, shows a person holding open a book with a recipe, which is allegedly an exact copy of Pemberton’s.
The recipe is said to contain the precise amount of all the different oils needed to create Merchandise 7X, Coca-Cola’s secret ingredient.
Even though Merchandise 7X makes up only one percent of the drink’s formula, the key ingredient is believed to give one of the world’s most popular soft drink its unique taste.
The official recipe is allegedly guarded 24-hours a day in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.

Here is the ‘secret recipe’:

  • Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP
  • Citric acid 3 oz
  • Caffeine 1oz
  • Sugar 30 (it is unclear from the markings what quantity is required)
  • Water 2.5 gal
  • Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt
  • Vanilla 1oz
  • Caramel 1.5oz or more to colour
  • 7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup): secret ingredient
  • Alcohol 8oz
  • Orange oil 20 drops
  • Lemon oil 30 drops
  • Nutmeg oil 10 drops
  • Coriander 5 drops
  • Neroli 10 drops
  • Cinnamon 10 drops

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Coca-Cola : History

History: Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century.


1) Coke was created as a response to Prohibition in Atlanta in 1886

2) The first sales were at Jacob’s pharmacy in Atlanta

3) When launched Coca-Cola’s two key ingredients were cocaine (benzoylmethyl ecgonine) and caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from kola nut, leading to the name Coca-Cola (the “K” in Kola was replaced with a “C” for marketing purposes)

4) The exact formula of Coca-Cola’s natural flavorings is a trade secret. The original copy of the formula is held in SunTrust Bank’s main vault in Atlanta. Its predecessor, the Trust Company, was the underwriter for the Coca-Cola Company’s initial public offering in 1919.

5) On February 11, 2011 Ira Glass revealed on his PRI radio show, This American Life, that the secret formula to Coca-Cola had been uncovered in a 1979 newspaper. The formula found basically matched the formula found in Pemberton’s diary

6) The famous Coca-Cola logo was created by John Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, in 1885.  The typeface used is known as Spencerian script,

7) The Shape of the Coke Bottle is believed to be inspired by the Hobble Skirt as shown below:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coca-Cola's Secret Ingredients Discovered?


According to a story by NPR's This American Life, the 125-year old top-secret Coca-Cola Classic recipe was accidentally leaked in the photo accompanying a 1979 Atlanta newspaper article about the soda giant, but nobody noticed it until now. You're going down, Coke! Well, as soon as this last batch of bathtub gin finishes fermenting. THEN IT IS ON. Same goes for you, Fanta! You think I won't make some bomb-ass tastin' grape soda? I LIVE FOR THAT SHIT!

And while companies like Pepsi have deduced the general ingredients on their own, none have unlocked the "Merchandise 7X flavoring" that gives Coke its unique taste and bubbly burn. "The company has always said, and as far as I know it's true, that at any given time only two people know how to mix the 7X flavoring ingredient," Mark Pendergrast, historian and author of For God, Country and Coke told This American Life. "Those two people never travel on the same plane in case it crashes; it's this carefully passed-on secret ritual and the formula is kept in a bank vault."

The recipe:

Fluid extract of Coca: 3 drams USP
Citric acid: 3 oz
Caffeine: 1 oz
Sugar: 30 (unclear quantity)
Water: 2.5 gal
Lime juice: 2 pints, 1 quart
Vanilla: 1 oz
Caramel: 1.5 oz or more for color

The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup):
Alcohol: 8 oz
Orange oil: 20 drops
Lemon oil: 30 drops
Nutmeg oil: 10 drops
Coriander: 5 drops
Neroli: 10 drops
Cinnamon: 10 drops

Alcohol, huh? No wonder I like it so much. Of course, I'd like it even more if half the can was bourbon. Which, at least the way I drink them, actually are. You think I can't pour Maker's Mark into a Coke can? Oh I can pour Maker's into a Coke can. It's called a steady hand funnel. Remember: where there's a will (and drinlkling problem), there's a way. Plus a long history of drunk in publics. OCCIFER NOOOO!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Coca Cola Ingredients – What's In Coca Cola?


Coca Cola Ingredients – Shop In Coca Cola?

==> Coca Cola Ingredients – genuine Ingredients Here

You Too Passion Coca Cola And / or not want Coca Cola, But yet Coca Cola Must be ordinarily treasured With of men and women Some individuals day.

Coca-Cola Can be described as bubbly softdrink Manufactured in shops, restaurants, And is selling Impersonal machines all around the world. Currently its that is caused by That Coca-Cola Reliable lender in Atlanta, Georgia, and is also known as Quickly As being Coke.

People all over this nation have an interest in checking out Usually ingredients From your goods that Cooks consume.

==> Coca Cola Ingredients – similar Ingredients Here

It with no professional To help ignore Thats Variety drink consists of, In particular when That the majority of drink Regarded as a favored Originally from The ones you have People locate it literally tasty.

Discovering This type of ingredients a drink contains, starts advertising your vision in order to Pay a visit to needless And be able to You can still Settle on In the event that relaxer is proper Concerning you.

Many folk are considering Coke ingredients Every thing Buy a stifle A few ingredients which they In the event that like to consume.

Coca Cola Is often Is definitely drunk Because of Accomplished Discover meals, hours out, Being easing both at home and a great many other times.

Its the type wine beverages sporting a exceptional preference Of which A lot peoples style buds Only just To not ever like. other companies Are keen on coca cola Additionally drink coke at each Viable opportunity.

Coca cola ingredients Different than Which have varied, Basic component ingredients May phosphoric acid.

All Their distince cold drinks Have got food Or GDA labelling In order to the main Good Judgement Concerning Just what drink is proper At you.

The Dissimilar ingredients in prior to Is considered to be intriguing and value your analysis involved. You’ll likely Choose to be incredibly suprised Due to Which Correct liquids consist of.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Red Bull Cola Cocaine Report in Germany

German food regulators reportedly found traces of cocaine in Red Bull Cola; Red Bull Cola is a fairly new product distributed by the makers of the popular energy drink, Red Bull. The Health Institute in the state of North Rhine Westphalia, examined Red Bull Cola and claim they found traces of cocaine. German officials have banned the product in six states across Germany and are seeking a nationwide ban.

Erythroxylum coca

Coca Leaves

According to their claim, 0.13 micrograms of cocaine is present per can of Red Bull Cola, not enough to cause any health risks but certainly interesting. Red Bull has always boasted of its all natural ingredients and openly lists the recipe on its website.

Included in the recipe is coca, but the company insists that the coca is only used to add flavor and that the cocaine alkaloid is removed. De-cocainized extract of the coca leaf is used worldwide as an ingredient in many types of food, the company insists. The cocaine alkaloid is only one of 10 found in the coca leaf and makes up only 0.8% of the chemical make-up of the plant.

It is unclear whether or not Red Bull will be able to continue to market Red Bull Cola as is; or whether they will have to modify the formula in some form or another. Spokesmen for Red Bull said:

“We are of the opinion that our product is marketable,” Frank Farnsteiner, a spokesman for Red Bull, told German public radio.

Red Bull Energy drink is wildly popular here in the United State. In our fast paced society, folks are looking for some way to keep on their toes and stay alert.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Taste Test: Red Bull Cola

I entered this Taste Test skeptical, as did most of my test helpers. The world already has a perfect cola drink, and despite what you may think about mega-corporations and high-fructose corn syrup, you have not invented a nectar as sweet or as satisfying as Coca-Cola. If and when you do, I will invest my meager savings in your IPO, and I will wear a T-shirt with your logo on it every single day.

Now, I'm not saying that all other drinks are shit and Coke Is It. Hell, I'll drink another cola if that's all they serve at a restaurant. (Kyle won't, but that's an angry letter to the editor for another day.) Pepsi's fine at the movies (though I'd probably go Sierra Mist in that case), but if there's a choice—and this is America, dammit, so there's often a choice between exactly two similar things—it's Coke. And before you tell me I'm contaminating my body, I don't really drink Coke that often. It's a treat. And it's fucking delicious. And perfect.

I don't drink Red Bull. I don't like Red Bull. It tastes bad, and it makes me a little jumpy. Worse than that, it's got that sharp aftertaste that most energy drinks do, which I always assume is taurine, but in fact, I have no idea. I just know it's icky. (To me. You can like it if you want. Live and let live.) At the National Association Of Convenience Stores Convention this year, when young ladies with refrigerated backpacks tried handing me cans of what I thought was Red Bull, I declined. But they kindly explained that this was a new product: Red Bull Simply Cola. No taurine. Not an energy drink. Just a new, all-natural cola product being test-marketed only at Speedway. The Red Bull company also had a gigantic booth set up, and little plastic cubes featuring each of the soda's natural ingredients so you could look at it up close. Have you ever seen an orange displayed as if it were the Crown Jewels? It was like that.

What are those flavors, you ask? I will not only type them here for you, I will offer you some visual information from a Red Bull Simply Cola pamphlet as well. Coca leaf, kola nut, lemon/lime, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, pine, corn mint, galangal, vanilla, ginger, mace, cacao, licorice, orange, mustard seeds. "Holy shit," you are likely thinking. "I just want some corn syrup, water, and artificial coloring! What have I gotten myself into?" Well, Red Bull wants you to know that their new cola can "do without a secret formula." (Take that, Coke!) They also want you to know that it's "100% pure cola." I'm not sure what the standards are for that. You'll notice that it includes kola nut and coca leaf, which most colas no longer use. (Though Blue Sky natural cola and the Whole Foods house brand do.) It also promises to be "strong & natural," a promise previously made to me by douche, condoms, diapers, and a transvestite hooker, so I took it with a grain of salt.

Taste: I told you up top that I was prejudiced going in, but I also told you that I've got an open mind about these things. If Red Bull Simply Cola were better than Coke, I might weep a little bit—but then I would switch to Red Bull Simply Cola. But I don't need to. Our testers, in a rare display of unanimity, disliked it. There were varying degrees of dislike, but nobody hopped up to defend it.

Most everybody commented on the strange aftertaste, which reminded me of the short-lived, caffeine-averse Like Cola from the early '80s—probably because that stuff also contained the kola nut. But there's just so much going on in this RBSC that it's tough to enjoy. There's the bitterness of lemon, the weird overpowering combo of spices, and an overall tartness that lingers and lingers and lingers. Maybe this is soda aimed at tough guys or at granola-heads who think regular soda is too sweet. But there's no difference in the amount of sugar between this and a Coke, so who really wins? Not me.

There's no contest. Sorry, Red Bull Simply Cola, you have been pwned. Did I say that right?

Office reactions:

— "As a strident Coke loyalist, I'm tough to woo, and this doesn't do it. It tastes like flat generic cola, though it's missing the sweetness."

— "I'm not a Red Bull fan, and this isn't gonna make me start now. Give me Coke or give me death!"

— "This reminds me of the cheap-ass Big K Cola, Kroger's house brand, that they'd give us after soccer practice as a kid. I'm having flashbacks to sweat and shin guards."

— "Are you sure you didn't accidentally give me a cup full of air freshener?"

— "I'm trying to think of a context where I would want to drink this. If I wanted a cola, I wouldn't reach for this, but it's not so bad I can say I'd never drink it again." "By context, do you mean what alcohol you want to mix it with?"

— "They shouldn't call it cola. Fail on the part of the Red Bull marketing team."

— "You can really taste the mustard seed."

— "It tastes like carpet. Non-delicious carpet."

— "This is not good. No one will ever buy this."

— "I'm pretty sure my breath is amazingly bad right now."

Where to get it: The Red Bull reps told us it was being sold only in Speedway stores; the Red Bull website implies that it's currently available only in Las Vegas.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Red Bull to Expand Into Cola Market

Not content to rest on their laurels, Red Bull appears ready to jump into the cola wars, a reader passed along a photo of a tri-fold brochure on the product:


On the reverse, a list of ingredients:

Coca Leaf

Kola Nut






Corn Mint








Mustard Seeds

With caffeine provided naturally by coffee beans. is held by MarkMonitor, the corporate standard for intellectual property protection in the domain market.

If you want to parse the German.I’m sure bartypes will be eagerly awaiting updated cola concoctions with a Red Bull twist. Captain and Red Bull Cola please.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is There Cocaine in Red Bull Cola?

Is there cocaine in Red Bull Cola?

Red Bull Cola has recently been released here in the United States — it is not considered purely an “energy drink” like the more familiar Red Bull product, but is sold as a “Cola”. About a year ago, the makers of Red Bull, the famous caffeine and sugar loaded “energy drink” decided to develop a soda. The “Red Bull” brand would hopefully imply the same big kick to drinkers of the cola beverage. But could the cola’s boost, which is advertised on the can and by the makers as “100% natural”, come from something more sinister than sugar and B vitamins?

Officials in Germany worry that the inclusion of an ingredient linked to cocaine in Red Bull Cola could cause health problems. Germany has since prohibited the soda’s sale in six states across the country and wil soon recommend a nation wide ban of Red Bull Cola.

The head of the food safety department at Germany’s federal ministry for consumer protection told the German press on Sunday that the inclusion of de-cocainized extract of coca leaf is just as illegal as including actual cocaine in the beverage. According to the German government’s analysis, the cola includes 0.13 micrograms of cocaine per can of the drink but does not pose a serious health threat. The German government readily admits you’d have to drink 12,000 liters of Red Bull Cola to feel any negative effects, but government officials still feel the presence of coca leaf extract is enough to cause concern. The final verdict on the health impact of Red Bull Cola will be given on Wednesday, May 27th by the German government.

Red Bull has been nothing but open about the recipe for its new cola. On the Red Bull Cola website, visitors can see clear pictures of coca, cardamom, Kola nuts, and other key “natural” ingredients. The company insists that coca leaves are used as a “flavoring agent” — they have proven that the illegal cocaine alkaloid has been removed from the extract. “De-cocainized extract of coca leaf is used worldwide in foods as a natural flavoring,” said a Red Bull spokesman. In fact, some sources say that Coca-Cola still includes extract from the trujillo leaves of the coca plant as part of its secret flavoring formula.

In Germany, the Red Bull spokesperson insisted that his company’s product, along with other products known to contain the coca leaf extract, are considered safe in Europe and the U.S. Nutrition and food experts have come to Red Bull’s defense — “There is no scientific basis for this ban on Red Bull Cola because the levels of cocaine found are so small,” Fritz Soergel, the head of the Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, tells Time magazine. “According to the tests we carried out, it’s a nonactive degradation product with no effect on the body. If you start examining lots of other drinks and food [this] carefully, you’d find a lot of surprising things,” he says.

Coca leaves, of course, have a notorious presence in modern soda pop history. Most notorious is the “original” Coca-Cola whose 19th century formula used unprocessed coca leaves. By the early 1900s, the company said it would only use decocainized coca leaves, though the company refuses to release any information about the “secret” formula, though one must assume that the FDA has tested the popular soda product and declared it safe.

No one knows where Red Bull Cola’s coca leaves come from or where they are processed. Red Bull has not yet responded to any media outlet’s requests for comment, but the Austrian food company that manufactures Red Bull Cola was quick to make a statement on the subject, namely that the company is not allowed to speak about the product.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cocaine in Red Bull Energy Drinks??

Energy Drinks are constantly in the news; albeit if usually for the wrong reasons… And this is exactly where Red Bull Cola found themselves a couple days ago after being banned in Germany. Red Bull, the Energy Drink that gives you wings is apparently doing more than that as trace amounts of cocaine have been found in the energy cola. That’s right, Red Bull Cola was found to have trace amounts of cocaine in it by officials in Germany from the federal ministry of consumer protection.

Red Bull responded by saying that they have always been up front with their ingredients and that the coca leaves used in Red Bull Cola are for natural flavoring and that the illegal property alkaloid is removed. They also go on to say that this type of natural flavoring is used worldwide.

Experts have chimed in on the situation saying that the ingredients used in Red Bull Cola are really not similar at all to cocaine as they have not been put through the intensive chemical process needed to get the end result of cocaine. So it’s basically not active and the amounts found are so small it should not be an issue.

So again, because of the (extremely trace amounts) of (not actual) cocaine in Red Bull Cola, the drink was banned in six German states, and they will be recommending a nation wide ban. I guess it’s not harmful unless you drink 12,000 liters of Red Bull Cola… Now come on, that’s quite a bit of Red Bull. I have had quite a few Energy Drinks in my day but I haven’t even had that many. I think Amy Winehouse might be hard pressed to even get addicted to this…

So what did this ban actually do? In BevUniverse’s personal (yet highly accurate) opinion the only thing this Red Bull Cola cocaine ban will accomplish is bringing a little attention to the lackluster product line offered by Red Bull.

START RANT: Now I know the energy drink market is highly competitive, but come on Red Bull… these drinks are addictive enough, there is no need to put actual addictive narcotics in them as well. Besides instead of adding addictive chemicals to your energy cola, why don’t you focus on coming out with new and innovative products? You stuck with the same formula of your energy drink (your competition has multiple flavors), it took you years to make a 16 ounce can (which you charge an obscene amount for), you finally came out with an energy shot (years behind the competition) and you don’t have any variations of energy levels in your drinks (which your competition also has). Now I understand branding and image and riding the wave of success. But come on, you are losing market share. Come out with something original already. END RANT

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to keep fit? More healthy?

How to stay physically fit? More healthy?

not the best answers

oral collagen drink B365!

15 天 mercy little improvement to improve the two types of people sleep: drug dependence (pain medication, rest medicine), and cervical spinal small arteries cause the brain to extract the skin Whitening insufficiency must translucent from the inside out, covered with white gloss, forehead children shiny, skin, back through the white reason is that repair collagen dermal elastic fibers, skin nourished, the skin effect of the spine play a reflective layer of metabolically active cells are the results of repair. stomach to improve on time, shape, color of healthy collagen B365 the distinction between oral and protein enzymes, the enzymes walk through the process of intestinal swelling, peeling stool, B365 collagen repair gastrointestinal mucosa, increased intestinal contraction diastolic function, to keep promoting lubrication, cover repair bowel.

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oral collagen drink B365 ah ~

15 天 mercy of sleep, little improvement to improve the two types of people: drug dependence ( pain medication, rest, medication), and cervical spinal small arteries cause the brain to extract insufficiency.

30 天 mercy spots fade age spots and sunburn effect is obvious.

do not eat out try to cook something at home, two fried vegetable bun tube three meals a day there is nothing to the palate, urge sympathy more time to feel good naturally in the stroll

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Get rid of wrinkles, collagen drink

If you’ve heard of collagen to drink? It seems hype recently in the USA, Asia and Europe. Japanese experts has created the idea of using collagen for completion of the work of collagen tissues of the skin collagen of the skin, which gives it its entirety. Without him and removed the skin, a thin line of Scallops to develop normally. Other forms of collagen supplement is also available in the snow, marshmallows, creams. Now is the drink of collagen. Other forms are treated as ineffective, but some people do not agree with the fact that the effectiveness of collagen significantly more drinks. This may produce better results than before. This is the content of collagen and are capable of reviving the function of the skin, smoothing wrinkles, so quickly, only 3 days. Claim these outrageous, ask why people are so quick to believe, but it is the Foundation for such a claim? Typically, these drinks consist of fish low molecular collagen. This is the drink, yoghurt drink in many aspects, because it is only going to work. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is, there are many Strange odour, is repellent. It may be worth, if you tried. But this does not mean that it is the only solution to this problem. So if you want to a very successful fight against the aging of the skin, you need to update your current treatment for skin care. Your reflection should be something that otherwise. Select the CynergyTK thinking, Nano, Phytessence Wakame Lipobelle HEQ10. As far as the application of collagen CynergyTK this process. The Problem with the molecular structure of collagen is on the local market is too big, so I may not be readily absorbed through the skin (epidermis). CynergyTK consists of the protein keratin fibres, which is essential for the growth of collagen re. If this is the name in the body, the skin is rendered terribly. To maintain this peace with Phytessence Wakame. It is important also that collagen hialuronowego acid. It provides moisturizing skin tissues and can be viewed wrinkles faster skin (epidermis). Anti-oxidant Defense Nano-Lipobelle HEQ10, still not significant molecular structure, which will penetrate the deepest layers of the skin to get rid of harmful free radicals. Use this option if you want to be more effective. traitement collagen

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get rid of wrinkles can be collagen drink

Have you ever heard of collagen drink? It seems to be the Centre of the hype the last in the United States, Asia and Europe. Experts in Japan created the idea for the use of collagen to complete less collagen in the skin collagen network, which ensure the integrity of the skin. Without him, wrinkles, skin is saggy and her lines normally develop. Other forms are available as tablets in addition to collagen, Marshmallow and whipped cream. Now is the drink of collagen. other additives are inefficient, but there are some people who agree to much more efficient collagen drink. This can give better results than those who preceded him. Serves as a content of collagen, which is likely to revive the function in the skin and as fast as 3 days worth of wrinkles. Outrageous claims very little I wonder why people are so quick to believe, but it is the basis for these claims? These drinks are usually consists of fish collagen. It is as if a drink yoghurt in many aspects, because it is designed to work accurately. Unfortunately, it is derived from fish tend to be somewhat suspicious of rather disgusting. might be worth a try if you’ve used. But this does not mean that you as the only solution to the problem must take. If you are a great success in the battle to aging of the skin, it is necessary to work your current treatment of the skin. Moisturizing, must also be the something is the way how to get rid of with a little thought. Select other things with the CynergyTK, the HEQ10 and the nano-Lipobelle Phytessence Wakame. With regard to the return shipment of collagen, CynergyTK over her. The problem with the local market, Coll agent, molecular structure is too large and therefore cannot easily be absorbed by the skin (DermIS). CynergyTK is composed of keratin protein is essential for the afforestation of collagen. Are available in your body, your skin takes on re-growing. Phytessence Wakame occupy in this case. Hyaluronic acid acid is as important as collagen. It is a, which moisture to the skin tissues and without that, you can expect faster wrinkles in the skin (DermIS). As an antioxidant HEQ10 and Nano-Lipobelle molecular structure are still insignificant to penetrate to the inner layers of the skin to get rid of harmful free radicals. Use this option if you want to try a more efficient processing of collagen drink.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anti-Aging 3 Collagen Drink Tropical 7 Packets

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  • Monday, May 16, 2011

    You can drink Ondilasyon get rid of collagen

    Collagen drink if you listen? Seems to be the medium of Asia, most recently in the United States of America and Europe. Collagen type Japanese experts for your skin with collagen necessary. skin and tissues are collagen is integrity. Developed Ondilasyon, usually blood, skin and fine rutted wrinkle conditions. Besides, also available for cereal, marshmallows and creams collagen fills. The first, collagen drink. the other format, but an effective additions has some people, the collagen drink is much more effective. Can produce collagen results in worse off, so that it acts as the delivery and improve consolidated sweet port-Ondilasyon function as scandalous quickly applied for 3 days, somewhat surprised people, why not one way but on the basis of the request? These are usually consists of fish drinks low molecular collagen. It is like sin Nada y drink. Should aspects, knowledge, because it is designed to work the same as this. Unfortunately, since the name of the fish and scenes not PAS is evident from many Inhoamia. Eine if you haven’t tried. But this does not mean we are the only solution to all problems to handle. If you prefer, you can great success in the fight against ageing skin, if there is also a special care otherwise. Also there must be something to get rid of the way, whatnot. Select CynergyTK and HEQ10 and Phytessence wakame. Nano-Lipobelle if it comes that the specific problems of the market is too large to carry most important collage CynergyTK material and collagen thus lost not only molecular SChEDiASIS slot. CynergyTK consists of the protein keratin, collagen, and press. If the text is available and you are on the increase of Recertifi. This allows the hack and Phytessence wakame. It is important such as hyaluronic acid collagen. This supply of moisture content of skin, meat, and without you, the law of Taitu, to wait for indentation. Mangosteen and trust held HEQ10 small molecular Nano structures pass Lipobelle free radicals more harmful bad cables with the load. Try this if you try a more effective treatment of collagen to drink.

    I would like to explore this site to find out which products against ageing skin more radiant and be achieved.

    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    Best Cycling Energy Drinks

    Cycling energy drinks help to replace lost carbohydrate in easily digestible form. When racing, it can be difficult to eat sufficient food, therefore energy drinks can be vital for providing sufficient energy sources and also helping rehydration of lost minerals.

    The best energy drinks are composed of simple carbohydrates (glucose polymer) and electrolytes to replace lost minerals during intensive exercise. It is important to get the intensity right. Some people can feel sickly if the drink is too concentrated, especially on hot days.

    I am keen on the High5 Energy Source. I usually buy a 2.2Kg tub and it lasts me for quite a while. It  has a good neutral flavour though unfortunately they seem to have discontinued the neutral flavour.

    High 5 4:1

    A new development in energy drinks is mixing protein in with carbohydrates.  4 parts Carbohydrate – 1 part protein (whey protein).

    A study by the University of Glasgow suggested  the use of  4:1 over a conventional carbohydrate only energy drink during the grueling Trans Alp MTB event, helped competitors finish average 12% quicker than those using the carbohydrate only drink.

    The theory is that taking on protein causes the body to release insulin. This release of insulin actually results in a higher uptake of carbohydrate by the muscles which need it.

    Science in Sport

    Science in Sport energy drinks are based on malto-dextrin. Malto-dextrin is one of the easiest absorbable carbohydrate sources and can be taken in heavier concentrations. Though, you still want to find a level you are comfortable with.  SIS have put a lot of attention into designing plans for best combinations of liquid and food. With the custom SIS bottles it is quite easy to mix and prepare. Tastes fine, not too sweet but is as relatively pleasant as these things can be. Contains electrolytes for rehydration.





    Free Energy Cycling Drinks

    Suppose you wanted to mix your own energy drink.

    One Option


    • 200ml ordinary fruit squash
    • 800ml water
    • A pinch of salt

    Mix them all together in a jug and cool down in fridge.

    Glucose Mix

    • 50-70g sugar
    • One litre of warm water
    • one pinch of table salt, one pinch of potassium chloride (salt substitute)
    • 200ml of sugar free squash

    Mix, cool. Be careful about getting right quantities. Also be careful if you start to add caffeine or other ingredients.


    Friday, May 13, 2011

    New survey says students believe energy drinks will boost their GPAs

    Thirty percent of students believe using energy drinks and supplements when studying improved their test scores and GPA, according to a survey done at Boise State University. Research paid for by these products has also shown to extend studying time for students a least an extra hour.   

    "I need it for the caffeine," said Robert James Dillon, an undeclared freshman. "If it's late at night, it helps me stay awake when I study."  An energy drink contains 80 to 141 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounces, this is equivalent to a 12 ounce can of soda or a 5 ounce cup of coffee, according to the survey. read the whole story

    Thought this article was pretty interesting. Please share your thoughts below. Please take the time to subscribe to the RSS feed too, so you are always aware of a post I do. I like to post at least once a week if not twice a week.

    I also have a blog at will all sorts of information regarding energy drinks.

    You can found us on Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube also

    Thanks for stopping by, make sure to share this post with your friends.

    Thursday, May 12, 2011

    Energy Drinks Worth Drinking

    Energy drinks are beverages that contain different ingredients to help us boost our energy.  We are all aware that energy is very important in our daily lives most especially if you are working for a long period of time.  Energy drinks help us in increasing our stamina and they give us endurance in performing heavy tasks. This is very true when we are required long hours of work and when we are engaged in different sports—energy drinks revitalize the loss energy.

    They are definitely more different from the usual soft drinks in the market.  It has the major ingredients that provide the extra power.  It consists of herbal constituents, methylxanthines that include caffeine and Vitamin B Complex.  There are some added ingredients like guarana, creatine, ginseng, ginko biloba, carnitine, maltodextrin, taurine, inositol and glucuronolactone.  Caffeine is the major stimulant that is always found in coffee.  It provides an extra boost in our body which keeps us alive and energetic.

    If you are experiencing stress, energy drinks can exert the power to keep us alert and stable.  The whole metabolism of our body will spontaneously increase up to an extraordinary level.  It improves the mental and physical situation of our body.  There are well known brands of energy drinks that are available in the market today, like Rockstar, Red bull, Gatorade, YJ Stinger, Red Dragon, Shark Energy Drinks, SoBe Adrenaline Rush, Hype Energy Drink etc.  However, the XS Citrus Blast energy drink followed the rule of a low calorie content that means “No Sugar.” Only eight calories was added which include amino acid and proteins.  Acesulfame Pottasium, fruit essences, and Sucralose are also present in some energy drinks.  All the ingredients give the genuine spirit of the energy drink without adding any sugar.  The XS Citrus Blast is highly recommended by the experts around the world.

    Energy drinks are creating a large impact as a drink stimulant just like soda and coffee.  It develops more than 2 billion dollars of sales.  Some of the energy contains a huge quantity of caffeine that is one of the major worries of all the parents of teenagers.  Most of the consumers of the energy drinks are teenagers.  According to the expert of clinical toxicologist, the recommended limit of caffeine for the teenagers is one hundred or two hundred milligrams a day and for the adults, it should be two hundred or three hundred milligrams a day.  Moreover, it will be surprising to all people to find out that in one serving of this beverage is about three thousand milligrams of caffeine, and so, the serving of beverage in can is the same as serving three servings.  It is so hard for the consumer to control the quantity of caffeine that they consumed if the ingredients of the energy drinks are not in the label.

    One more trick in marketing is that some energy drinks contain alcohol that is more than in a can of beer and other energy drinks are promoted as a healthy because of the natural ingredients that are hoodia and the best diet pills.  For those who are looking for the great alternative to caffeinated drinks and coffee, Rockstar and Redbull is the best substitute.  There are some important benefits that we can get in energy drinks like less drowsiness.

    Because of the wide variety of choices of energy drinks in the market that keep on growing each day, try to find out the best which will work well for you.  For instance, if we want to boost our metabolism, improve our sleep patterns and diets, there is a range of different components of energy drinks such as Guarana Vitamin B, and the other ingredients are mostly caffeine and taurine that can do great things to our metabolism.

    Moreover, Gatorade energy drink is popular for people who engaged in sports.  It contains less sugar and it prevents the athlete for dehydration.  It comes in different flavors with a handy as well as an easy to carry container. Hammer Heed is also one of the well-known energy drinks.  It contains complex formula of carbohydrate and two sweeteners that are reasonably healthy for the human body are specifically Xylitol and Stevia.  They can give long enduring energy and also provides chelated minerals and vital electrolytes.  The wide range of energy drinks offers the best supplements to revive our lost energy in every task and every difficulty that we encounter every day.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Home About Finding the best healthy energy drink does not have to be tough

    Now, are there any healthy energy drinks accessible in the marketplace today? Can they all be totally unsafe? There’s a on-going discussion with regards to the drawbacks of energy drinks similar to Red Bull, Monster along with other high sugar energy drinks.

    You will find some health care experts asking for warning labelling to be placed on energy drink cans. Their particular fears are largely cantered on the volume of caffeine and sugar included with these drinks.

    Properly I should agree that several energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine, however it ought to be pointed out not every energy drink is made with all the same recipe.

    There are energy drinks on the market with less caffeine then what is found in a regular coffee and with less than a 10 gram of sugar per serving.

    Why don’t we evaluation the two aspects that tend to make it seem like energy drinks are a problem to health care experts;

    High sugar energy drinks tend to be considered bad because everybody understands the negative effects of sugar on our bodies. Sugar increases the chances of weight gain, diabetes, headaches and the energy crash that many people experience when using high sugar energy drinks.

    We see sugar as an issue with numerous sports nutritional refreshments and soda pops. There are energy drinks in the marketplace these days that switch the sugar with low calorie sweeteners.

    In addition, you will find energy drinks that contain all natural sweeteners and include small amounts of sugar that are healthier then alternate options.

    Excessive caffeine energy drinks can trigger heart palpitations and jitters. If energy drinks are consumed rapidly the caffeine can build up in the body and produce dangerous results.

    It will take a few hours to obtain caffeine from the system and if you’re drinking energy drinks with a lot more than 99 mg of caffeine a serving it will rapidly add up when you drink more than 1 drink. This is the problem that’s probably the most worry to health care professionals.

    So, what’s the answer to these worries? When you’re searching for the best energy drink on-line; look for a healthy energy drink that contains no more than 99 mg of caffeine and less than 10 grams of sugar. Crave Energy Drink is one these healthy energy drinks.

    You should consume any energy drink in moderation to ensure you get no jitters but it has been proven that Crave does not cause the jitters because it does not contain enough sugar to cause them. Crave still provides 4 to 6 hours of energy to the average person.

    Healthy energy drinks are a source of vitamins instead of sugar, to provide an extra energy effect. The dietary vitamins that are utilized by the healthy energy drinks tend to be b6 and b12.

    There are some healthy energy drinks that contain other vitamins but the primary ones are the B vitamins. To avoid the negative effects of sugar and high caffeine energy drinks it is best to chose a healthy energy drink, because they contain vitamins and lower levels of sugar.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    What You Need When Looking for the Best Energy Drink

    Today’s hectic world, require people to be more active. With this, people tend to go for health supplements that promise to provide the vitamins that a restless body needs. But the question is, do these supplements really provide them the daily requirements of our body? Some maybe but you’ll never really know until you’ve tried one. So, what can you do to achieve a more active daily life regardless of how hectic your schedules are? Among the best options is to drink energy drinks? So, how will you know if you are drinking the best energy drink? Well, the answer really depends on you. One person might prefer only a specific type of energy drink while others go for expensive drinks, thinking that these are the best in the market. As long as the drink satisfies your needs and suits your budget, then, you’ve got just the right drink right in your hands.


    The selection of energy drinks available today are countless but only of those are effective when it comes to providing the oomph you need daily. So, how would you know which energy drink is best for you? Firstly, look into its contents. What nutrients will you get from it? The more nutrients you can get the better. But wait, before you get carried away choose the one with lesser sugar content. This way you won’t get too worked up because of low stamina. Caffeine in the content is also a big no-no for this might cause nervousness or worst sleeping difficulty. And lastly, check if it fits your budget because if it doesn’t, well, you better start looking for some other option.


    So, what is the ideal choice as the best energy drink? Some might actually prefer water than the rest. But you see, drinking water all day long can get very dull. What you need is a little bit of change. How about vitamin water? This healthy drink contains vitamins that are most essential to the body. It’s not as expensive compared to other energy drinks, but it is as effective when it comes to providing the energy you need every day. So, if you’re after the best energy drink, choose what’s really good and not just base your choices on the price.


    Amber is a very busy woman.Even if she is so very busy she find time to teach and instruct people on how to have a good well-being because it is a part of her interest during leisure time.

    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Vitamin fortification tops list of energy drink claims

    A new Leatherhead report has highlighted how vitamin fortification and other ‘health and wellness’ claims are driving growth in the global sports and energy drink market.

    The market research firm estimated that in 2010 the value of the sector stood at $36bn, having grown 32 per cent since 2006.

    Growth in the energy drinks market has been particularly impressive. Leatherhead said global energy drink sales have increased 83 per cent between 2006 and 2010, taking the value of the market to $11.5bn.

    A wave of new products that promise to be healthier or more natural has helped increase sales of both sports and energy drinks.

    Leatherhead said: “The market has benefited from the worldwide health and wellness trend, whilst news drinks featuring lower sugar levels and more natural ingredients have also assisted in attracting new consumers to the category.”

    Most popular claims

    Quoting data from Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD), Leatherhead said the most popular health claim for new sports and energy drinks is fortification with vitamins and minerals.

    According to the GNPD, 72 energy drinks and 30 sports drinks that launched last year made a vitamin/mineral claim. The fortification trend was particular prevalent in European and Asia-Pacific regions while additive-free and kosher claims were more significant in North America.

    Other popular claims on new products related to sugar levels or the calorie count.

    Leatherhead concluded that the desire for healthier drinks with a more natural profile leaves manufacturers with a formulation challenge going forward.

    “Of key importance to the sports and energy drinks category is the ability of the product to retain its functionality, whilst also being able to live up to additional claims such as being natural or healthier.”

    Friday, May 6, 2011

    Making Your Own Nutrient-Packed Energy Drinks


    Making Your Own Nutrient Packed Energy Drinks

    There are many energy drinks on the market these days but they are not all what they appear to be. There are ingredients in them that you might not want to ingest. And there are side effects from extensive use. But, you can create your own energy drinks at home to meet your energy needs.

    Energy is the result of food eaten and broken down inside the body. When you eat the right foods that the body can use, you have more energy at your disposal. You can regulate how much energy you have by how much food you eat that the body can use.

    This means that the right foods go in and then the right results come out. How about making your own energy drinks? It does require choosing the right foods for the job.

    Here are a few foods to consider for your energy drinks:

    * Berries – All kinds of berries are on the table. Darker berries contain resveratrol in their skins. This is a compound that helps to increase heart health. All berries contain antioxidants. They are known to increase immunity, reduce disease in the body, increase energy and add balance to the body. Berries also contain fiber which lowers cholesterol and keeps the digestive system moving.

    * Green leafy vegetables – This includes spinach and kale. They are filled with protein and vitamins like E, K and A. They contain carbs that are filled with nutrients but with few calories. They provide sustainable energy for the body.

    * Apples – Apples contain fiber. This is good for filling you up and lowering your cholesterol. One of the best ingredients in apples is quercetin.

    * Fruits – Try different varieties that blend well like mango, peaches, bananas, pineapples and oranges. They are full of vitamin C to boost immunity and energy.

    * Seeds – You can use a bit of texture in that energy drink if you’d like. In fact, ground your seeds into powder. Try some flaxseed and wheat germ to add a bit of fiber to your drink. They also add protein which is much needed to fight sugar cravings.

    Smoothie Recipes

    We call it an energy drink but it is in reality an energy smoothie. You can put all of your ingredients together at night and pop them in the blender in the morning.

    Berry Smoothie

    * 1 cup of fat-free plain yogurt

    * Generous portions of frozen berries of your choice

    * Ice cubes

    Use the natural flavor of the berries to sweeten the smoothie. If you need more liquid, try a fourth of a cup of 100% apple juice.

    Energy Smoothie

    * 1 banana

    * 1 cup of strawberries

    * 1 cup of soy milk or 1 cup of yogurt

    * 1 cup of green leafy veggies like spinach or kale

    Green Smoothie

    * ½ cup of carrots

    * Ice cubes

    * Plain yogurt

    * ½ cup apple juice

    * Swiss chard

    You can combine fruits and veggies in whatever combinations taste best to you for that energy-packed punch. Sweeten with fruit juice or cinnamon or nutmeg. Using a good blender will ensure a smooth taste with no large pieces.

    Related Natural Product

    AdrenoBoost is a natural, safe, effective herbal remedy containing herbs known for their ability to improve the functioning of the adrenal glands and protect it from the damaging effects of stress and modern lifestyle. Use AdrenoBoost to improve functioning of the adrenal glands; to help treat adrenal disease and protect the healthy adrenal glands from the damaging effects of stress and the modern lifestyle; as a restorative remedy for increasing stamina and performance in people who are run-down by stress; to improve circulation, boost and maintain balanced metabolism, boost vitality and as an overall systemic invigorator; to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar and boost the immune system especially after illness. Formulated by a clinical psychologist, AdrenoBoost is pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Free Jamba Energy Drinks Thurs 28th at 2 p.m.

    I just found out about this one today. Now Jamba Juice will not only be serving great smoothies, but they are now adding energy drinks to their fabulous selection. They now have all natural Jamba Juice Energy Drinks and they want you to be the first on to try them.  On Thursday April 28th, Jamba Juice will be giving the first 100 customers the opportunity to try their new Energy Drinks free after 2:00 p.m.  Learn more about the event here and locate a location in your neighborhood.

    These drinks are available in three great flavors: Crisp Apple, Strawberry Banana, and Blueberry Pomegranate. When you need that boost of energy at 2:00 p.m., make sure to head down to your Jamba Juice location and pick up yourself a free can to try.

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Green Energy Drinks Vs. Other Energy Drinks – Get A Better Jolt, Faster Metabolism. Do These Steps

    What’s your favorite pick-me up? Coffee, cappuccino, iced-blended? Or uber-processed caffeinated and sugar-laden energy drinks in a can, like Red Bull or Jolt? These stimulants are wildly popular, and Red Bull has even replaced water in sales, but they’re not good for you.

    Processed energy drinks usually contain caffeine, sugar, artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other processed ingredients. They give a quick fix that makes you alert, speedy, and kills appetite, but the benefits don’t last. In fact, the energy you get from caffeine and sugar is like energy that you’re borrowing from the bank to be paid back later with interest!

    Shortly after consuming your beverage, here’s what can happen: your blood sugar plummets, your glucose levels get thrown out of whack, your body goes into “starvation mode,” your metabolism slows, and your body starts storing everything as fat instead of burning fat for fuel. You then have no energy, feel hungry, jittery and tend to overeat.

    That’s why people are getting smart about staying alert and drinking natural green health drinks instead. These healthy drinks give you a boost without a sugar crash or caffeine-drop jitters. They’re naturally sweetened and use mild natural stimulants, like green tea. The energy boost keeps working longer and keeps your metabolism more efficient.

    Here’s how green drinks boost energy longer and without processed stimulants:

    • They’re chock-full of easily-absorbed, unprocessed carbs — barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina and others — which give your brain and body their only real source of fuel: glucose. Combine carbs with protein and oils and your body burns fat steadily, giving you ongoing energy.

    • They contain unprocessed stimulants like green tea.

    • They’re full of antioxidants that keep cells healthy, giving you plenty of energy to use on whatever you want.

    • They contain probiotics and digestive enzymes that greatly help digestion, keeping the body cleaner, more efficient and more energized.

    • The chlorophyll in the best green drinks alkalizes and cleans the blood. This gives you needed red blood cells to carry oxygen in and metabolic waste out. No oxygen means no energy. Sufficient oxygen means more energy.

    • They’re all-alkaline and help keep your body in ideal alkaline PH state.

    Ready to cut the Red Bull?

    Follow this checklist and keep your energy tank full in a healthy way. No more highs and lows, only an even keel.

    [ ] 1. Get a green drink plan. Green drink powder in a breakfast shake gets your metabolism going and keeps energy high. Grab natural energy drinks for a pick-me-up instead of caffeinated drinks. No cheating!

    [ ] 2. Drink enough water. You need a minimum of half your weight in ounces per day.

    [ ] 3. Eat the right balance of protein, carbs, and oil at every meal. Follow the “fist, thumb, fist rule” (a fist-sized portion of protein; thumb-size portion of healthy oils; fist-size portion of carbs).

    [ ] 4. Exercise daily. Usually, the more you exercise the more energy you have. Some of it’s adrenaline. Some of it’s a stronger body. Even a brisk walk will do.

    [ ] 5. Get enough sleep. Sufficient rest allows cells to do the behind the scenes work that let’s you feel energized in your waking hours.

    [ ] 6. Keep stress levels down. Stress depletes a lot of energy while serenity boosts energy — calm, non-jittery energy, that is.

    Get your healthy, long-lasting green drink powder buzz today…

    About the Author: Gerry Morton is the CEO of EnergyFirst, leading provider of top-quality, proven, 100% all-natural nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based nutrition education since 1997.

    Visit for green powder and other energy and metabolism-boosting tips and supplements (all with money-back guarantee).

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