Thursday, May 12, 2011

Energy Drinks Worth Drinking

Energy drinks are beverages that contain different ingredients to help us boost our energy.  We are all aware that energy is very important in our daily lives most especially if you are working for a long period of time.  Energy drinks help us in increasing our stamina and they give us endurance in performing heavy tasks. This is very true when we are required long hours of work and when we are engaged in different sports—energy drinks revitalize the loss energy.

They are definitely more different from the usual soft drinks in the market.  It has the major ingredients that provide the extra power.  It consists of herbal constituents, methylxanthines that include caffeine and Vitamin B Complex.  There are some added ingredients like guarana, creatine, ginseng, ginko biloba, carnitine, maltodextrin, taurine, inositol and glucuronolactone.  Caffeine is the major stimulant that is always found in coffee.  It provides an extra boost in our body which keeps us alive and energetic.

If you are experiencing stress, energy drinks can exert the power to keep us alert and stable.  The whole metabolism of our body will spontaneously increase up to an extraordinary level.  It improves the mental and physical situation of our body.  There are well known brands of energy drinks that are available in the market today, like Rockstar, Red bull, Gatorade, YJ Stinger, Red Dragon, Shark Energy Drinks, SoBe Adrenaline Rush, Hype Energy Drink etc.  However, the XS Citrus Blast energy drink followed the rule of a low calorie content that means “No Sugar.” Only eight calories was added which include amino acid and proteins.  Acesulfame Pottasium, fruit essences, and Sucralose are also present in some energy drinks.  All the ingredients give the genuine spirit of the energy drink without adding any sugar.  The XS Citrus Blast is highly recommended by the experts around the world.

Energy drinks are creating a large impact as a drink stimulant just like soda and coffee.  It develops more than 2 billion dollars of sales.  Some of the energy contains a huge quantity of caffeine that is one of the major worries of all the parents of teenagers.  Most of the consumers of the energy drinks are teenagers.  According to the expert of clinical toxicologist, the recommended limit of caffeine for the teenagers is one hundred or two hundred milligrams a day and for the adults, it should be two hundred or three hundred milligrams a day.  Moreover, it will be surprising to all people to find out that in one serving of this beverage is about three thousand milligrams of caffeine, and so, the serving of beverage in can is the same as serving three servings.  It is so hard for the consumer to control the quantity of caffeine that they consumed if the ingredients of the energy drinks are not in the label.

One more trick in marketing is that some energy drinks contain alcohol that is more than in a can of beer and other energy drinks are promoted as a healthy because of the natural ingredients that are hoodia and the best diet pills.  For those who are looking for the great alternative to caffeinated drinks and coffee, Rockstar and Redbull is the best substitute.  There are some important benefits that we can get in energy drinks like less drowsiness.

Because of the wide variety of choices of energy drinks in the market that keep on growing each day, try to find out the best which will work well for you.  For instance, if we want to boost our metabolism, improve our sleep patterns and diets, there is a range of different components of energy drinks such as Guarana Vitamin B, and the other ingredients are mostly caffeine and taurine that can do great things to our metabolism.

Moreover, Gatorade energy drink is popular for people who engaged in sports.  It contains less sugar and it prevents the athlete for dehydration.  It comes in different flavors with a handy as well as an easy to carry container. Hammer Heed is also one of the well-known energy drinks.  It contains complex formula of carbohydrate and two sweeteners that are reasonably healthy for the human body are specifically Xylitol and Stevia.  They can give long enduring energy and also provides chelated minerals and vital electrolytes.  The wide range of energy drinks offers the best supplements to revive our lost energy in every task and every difficulty that we encounter every day.

1 comment:

  1. Proto-col Slim-Fizz is a unique appetite suppressant the ground-breaking fibre Glucomannan, which is an organic dissolvable fibre derived from high quality fresh Konjac.


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