Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Healthy Refreshing Drink

Green tea is often touted as a miracle drink, offers all sorts of health benefits. Studies have shown that green tea may be cancer, lower blood pressure to prevent that stimulate the immune system and reduce high blood pressure. Although green tea gets the spotlight, many of these health benefits to a variety of oolong tea, can also be returned.

Tea is yes, tea. The only difference between green tea, oolong, and black is how he was treated after harvest. White tea is slightly different because of how it is grown, but all tea is made from the same plant - Camelia sinensis. And this work has natural antioxidants that are beneficial to human health.

Antioxidants are also in other foods such as nuts, fruits, vegetables and wine. They are good for prevention in the fight against free radicals - substances in the body induced in relation to cancer, Parkinson's disease, senile and drug-related deafness, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.

There are several components in tea that act as antioxidants including catechins, flavonoids and polyphenols.

White, green or oolong?

Oolong tea is produced by the tea leaves to oxidize for a short period after harvest. Oxidation is the process that the leaves dark on exposure to oxygen does. Oolong is semi-oxidized, black tea is fully oxidized, and green tea is not oxidized.

fresh tea leaves are rich in catechins. Processing of tea reduces these levels, so that more tea is oxidized the lower the amount of catechins. This means that white tea has followed most closely followed by green tea catechins.

Catechins are the media darling of green tea and sponsors typically receive more coverage if the benefits of tea. There is a point, but that is often overlooked: As the levels increase the catechins decrease during oxidation, the amount of theaflavins and thearubigins.

Both substances are found in higher concentrations in oolong and black tea than in green tea and anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. A 2001 study reported by China, that the antioxidant properties of green tea and black tea are equal.

It appears that oxidation does not eliminate the properties of tea, but only reduces a type of antioxidant and increase the promotion of health of other compounds.

Sun Oolong good for you?

It's safe to say that all tea is good for you, but we are especially oolong, see what the medical literature has to say interesting.

* Diabetes - Oolong tea can be an effective supplement to oral antidiabetic agents in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

* Eczema - Japanese researchers have reported that patients improved daily with a form of atopic dermatitis after drinking a liter of oolong tea.

* Allergies - Two catechin derivatives (C-1 and C-2) with potent antiallergic activity were isolated from Taiwanese oolong tea.

* Bacterial infections - Oolong tea polyphenols inhibited the enzyme activity of certain types of streptococci.

* Cavities - Oolong tea polyphenols could be useful for controlling dental caries.

* Obesity - Consumption of oolong tea stimulates fat burning and EE in men with normal weight.

* Cancer - Oolong tea has a complaint against hepatocarcinogenesis chemoprevention.

Great Stuff! Drinking Oolong tea make you healthier, live longer, are more beautiful and have great teeth!

The Bottom Line

Oolong tea for health, but do not lose sight of that simple fact - people have been drinking tea for thousands of years because it is a delicious drink. Sit back, relax and enjoy the sensations as you sip this wonderful drink. It's good for the soul, and what is good for the soul is certainly good for the body.

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